Tecmerin. Journal of Audiovisual Essays

Issue 10 – 2022 (2)

Miyazaki’s mode of representation

Carmen Galán Muñoz, Gabriel Obando Silva & Sandra Prieto Jiménez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

How to cite this article:  Galán Muñoz, C., Obando Silva, G. & Prieto Jiménez, S. (2022) Miyazaki’s Representation Mode. Tecmerin. Revista de Ensayos Audiovisuales, 10, 2022(2). ISSN: 2659-4269

In the Media Studies Department at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, we have successfully implemented the realization of video essays within different courses in our curriculum. We have encouraged students to submit their works for publication in the journal. The audiovisual essays included in the section “Student Showcase” are the result of this process.

This is a work produced in professor Farshad Zahedi’s “Middle East and Asian Cinemas” course. Students approach to the main aesthetic elements of Hayao Miyazaki’s films.

Other videoessays in this issue

Tecmerin. Journal of Audiovisual Essays
ISSN: 2659-4269
© Tecmerin Research Group
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid